Ride with a Trapper in Tampa & Hillsborough County, Florida
Experience the adrenaline rush of an up close and personal encounter with a rouge alligator; one that has run afoul of Florida’s alligator behavior code and is deemed a potential threat to people, pets or livestock and must be captured.

“Protect Children & Poodles: Hunt Gators!” - Capt. Phil Walters
This is an adventure where you will be hands on in unique situations that will involve the removal of the alligator from where it’s encountered. These situations range from capture from baited lines to swimming pools, front porches, residential yards, ponds, lakes, ditches and who knows where? Most often, the gators are removed ALIVE!
You will be hands on with a professional & experienced alligator hunter in assisting in this public service. Guaranteed to be exciting as situations are analyzed, plans formulated & executed while you’re involved in them as a “professional-apprentice” under the watchful eye of a master alligator hunter.
Regular price is $375. Currently, we have a special rate of $275 per person (2 for $500.00) plus you must purchase an “alligator trapping agent’s license” for $52.50. Your requirements are you must conduct yourself in a confident, courteous, professional manner as we are dealing with the public as ambassadors for both the citizens of Florida and hunters and be able to strictly adhere to instructions as they are directed to you and sign a liability release.
More information:
Call:- O-813-968-6154 C-813-220-6854 or