About Captain Phil Walters
Capt. Phil has been involved with the public water harvest since 1990. He has harvested more than 1000 alligators on the harvests, with a few going over 13' and one 13'6" that is pictured at right. He enjoys getting out on the water and sharing the uniqueness of the alligator story with folks who "have it in them" to see a slice of real Florida that cannot be experienced from comforts of home. Phil founded Gator guides in 1993 to offer professional harvest skills to the people chosen in the September Public Waters Harvest and has now expanded to offer trophy hunts on public and private lands.

1 of the top 3 gators in the State of Florida in 1991
Member: Safari Club International, National Rifle Association, Heritage Foundation, Broward County Airboat & Halftrack Association, Commissioner, Sesquicentennial Commission of Tampa Bay; , Lodge #317 F&AM Tampa, Founding Member of the Gen. Jubal A. Early Camp #556, Sons of Confederate Veterans and Founding Member, Judah P. Benjamin Camp #2210, Sons of Confederate Veterans Founding Member; 9th Brigade Commander, Florida Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Interests: Hunting, fishing, air boats, wildlife conservation, Southern stuff, FSU football.